Dental Night Guard

Many children enjoy participating in their favourite sports or other recreational activities, but injuries are always be expected to happen. After getting their perfect smile at Advanced Dental Bronx – Children's Dentist, the last thing you would want to happen is for your child to sustain any injuries on their teeth. Fortunately, we have a solution: a dental night guard, also called a mouth protector, will protect your child’s smile against any injuries that may occur. During any activity they participate in, your child will simply have to place the night guard on their teeth and have the ultimate form of protection for their teeth. Mouth guards will prevent any broken teeth or injuries to the jaw or face.

Perfectly fitted to your child’s mouth, the mouth guard will not cause any complications with speaking. The mouth guard will be custom made to your child’s mouth at Advanced Dental Bronx –Children's Dental, and will let you relax when your child participates in their favourite activities.